Merula, for her part, seems to have decided to ignore her husband's oafishness.Just off Laurel Canyon, up a long, rickety flight of outdoor stairs, Lana Del Rey is puttering around the kitchenette of a rented luxe cabin, while a couple of her musician friends hang out on the porch. Weirdly, Read suggests Guinness recognized his own jerkbag nature and desperately tried to keep it bottled up, only to have it come seeping out. As an adult, this expressed itself in open resentment and belittling of his wife, Merula, whom he considered stupid. Guinness had grown up with an absent father and a mother who was a drunken thief, and his hatred of her had turned into a kind of reflexive misogyny.

According to Read, Guinness had an obsessively precise idea of how every interaction should go and refused to be contradicted on such matters. The moment they replied, Guinness would declare, "No, no, you wouldn't like that!" then call the waiter over and order them the exact opposite. Guinness apparently loved to meet for meals, where he'd ask everyone at the table what they wanted. In his definitive biography on the star, Piers Paul Read revealed that nearly every meeting he'd had with Guinness over the years had been remarkably odd. Later in life, Taylor claimed they would have married a third time if only Burton hadn't died. When Taylor heard the news, she was so furious she announced her engagement to Victor Luna, upstaging Burton. When Taylor missed a show, Burton got fed up, went to Vegas, and married Sally Hay. When working on Noel Coward's Private Lives, Taylor and Burton brought out the worst in each other. After marrying and divorcing Richard Burton twice, Taylor was so upset that she got engaged just to spite him. Sometimes, her behavior was truly outrageous. Over her lifetime, she married eight times, had endless affairs, got drunk at every opportunity, and took great pride in the offense she caused. Taylor was as addicted to pleasure as she was to controversy. (How many perma-drunk male Casanovas get called out by the Pope?) Part of it was probably deserved. Part of that denouncement was the social mores of the time. There's also her bitter rivalry with the equally strange Bette Davis, which culminated in Crawford sabotaging her own film's box office to stop Davis winning her third Oscar (via Vanity Fair). She went through shady back channels to adopt her kids, resulting in one being reclaimed by his furious birth mother just days after arrival. Still, it remains plausible, partly because Crawford's madness is so well-documented elsewhere. Two of Crawford's other adopted children have disputed its account. Among other tidbits were the revelation that Crawford had told Christina her birth mother was dead (she wasn't), scenes of Crawford having a meltdown when she discovered her daughter's dresses hung on wire hangers, and harrowing descriptions of the physical abuse Crawford occasionally unleashed on her children.Ĭhristina's book has its detractors. An account of her time as Crawford's ward, it made the Hollywood star sound like the mother from hell. The accusations came the year after Crawford died, when Christina published her infamous book Mommie Dearest (via The Guardian).